Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

Today,  two thousand years ago, at 3 o' clock, Jesus breathed his last breath. It's rather awe inspiring to think of.

After hours of beatings, mockery, carrying and hanging on a cross, as well as wearing a crown of thorns, Jesus  said his last words: "It is finished."

Our King humbled himself one last time today. After all of the humiliation and pain that Jesus endured, he will now rise up above it all. He laughed in the face of death, sin, and despair. He crushed it all. It (sin) truly is finished.

I have always felt that Good Friday should be called Black Friday, and that Black Friday should be called Good Friday. Then, Black Friday would be a day of sadness, and Good Friday would be a day of good deals, instead of the other way around!

Regardless of our feelings of sorrow on this Friday, it actually is a good day. While the death of our Lord Jesus is not a pleasant story, it is important.

Without Jesus, our sins would define us. We would have no way to Heaven, except through perfection. Let's face it though, Heaven would be rather empty if this were the case. Jesus saved us from our sins by humbling himself. The perfect man died for us and our imperfections.

Jesus was and is the crucial bridge between us and God!

The day might seem black, but the deal that we received out of today was better than any after Thanksgiving bargain, because we were gifted eternal life and eternal love!

Eternal life was won for us today! The devil can no longer rule over us! Our sin no longer determines nor defines us! Rejoice because it is finished! The Devil has no strongholds over us!

Please read John 18:1-19:42 for the whole Crucifixion story; the greatest love story ever known. Don't just read it... feel it, picture it, understand what this story entails for you... for me.

Have a blessed Good Friday...The day when hope for eternity began.

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