Friday, April 29, 2016

St. Catherine's Day

Happy, April! As the month draws to an end, I thought that I would reflect on some wise advice that I have heard from Catherine of Siena. (March 25th, 1347 - April 29th, 1380)

I don't know much about Catherine, but I did a bit of research about her. Here's what I found: 
"Catherine ranks high among the spiritual writers of the Church. She remains a greatly respected figure for her spiritual writings, and political boldness to "speak truth over power"- it being exceptional for a woman, in her time period, to have had such influence in politics and on world history."
The first time that I heard about St. Catherine was at the Royal Wedding of Catherine Middleton to Prince William, in 2011. I remembered the sermon that was given that day in Westminster Abbey. The preacher mentioned St. Catherine, it being St. Catherine's Day (April 29th). He quoted her:

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."

He went on the say that Catherine and William should help each other be who God meant them to be, here on earth, following God and bringing up children who would be trained to do the same.

The wedding was lovely, the couple beautiful, but the quote, I adore!

A couple of posts ago I talked about letting God help you find who you are meant to be. This quote further confirms that when you let God direct your paths and fit you into your place, you will truly shine with His light!

Follow in God's path and you will glow with the fiery passion for God!

Regardless of her gender, Catherine found her purpose in spreading God's truths. She truly was influential... thousands of years later, and here she still inspires people of today. Follow in God's purpose for you...set the world aflame!

Best wishes to you- and to the happy couple on their fifth anniversary. May you all glow with fiery passion for Christ!

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