Monday, April 11, 2016

Forcing a Puzzle Piece

A few weeks ago, my sister and I were piecing a puzzle together. It was a 400-piece jigsaw puzzle, so it was a bit challenging. Pieces fit into place, and others did not. Some were missing and there were gaps in the puzzle. But, when all of the pieces came together, they made a beautiful picture.

I am big on analogies and metaphors. I can look at a piece of paper and turn it into a way to explain life's mysteries. Knowing me, I took a puzzle and turned it into something more.☺

There were several times where I tried to fit a piece into a place where I just knew it had to go. It looked and felt so right. It just had to fit there so I could move on to the next piece. 

This got me thinking....

I'm a Sophomore in high school. By now, everyone expects you to know what you are going to do with your life after high school. Everyone, literally everyone in my class, knows exactly what they want to do after high school... but me, not so much.

I haven't the slightest clue as to where I fit. 

I have people constantly asking me, "What are you doing after high school?" My meek reply? "I don't know." This makes me feel so embarrassed. 'Why don't I know? Maybe I should just try to pick a job that looks cool.' In other words, I am trying to make the puzzle piece fit in a place where it doesn't go. 

I get scared when I can't see the path ahead of me. I get frustrated when I can make the piece fit or I can't see the full picture.

I have to remind myself to be patient. I have to remind myself to trust in God's plan for me.

Years ago, God came to a man named Abraham He told him to move his family, lead them to a land that he had never even been to.

Can you imagine? One day God calls you up, "Hey! Yeah, you're going to need to come with me to a place you've never been to. Oh, and you are going to be leading a bunch of other people with you and they are going to be super whiny!"I don't know about you, but that sounds like something that I would worry about!

But, Abram went anyway. He trusted in God. He knew that God's plan would be greater than his.

Later, God promised Abraham that he would be a father, with offspring as numerous as the stars! I must mention that both Abe and his wife Sarah were up there in age. They were shocked and couldn't believe that this would happen to them! They doubted that they would be parents.

But, as always, God prevailed. (God NEVER Fades!). Abraham just needed to trust in God. He was too worried that God wasn't going to follow through with him. God doesn't abandon you though.

Like Abraham, God has a plan for you. 

You know what? We don't have to worry about where we are supposed to be. God's got this. I may not know where I want to be in two years, but I know that God knows. 

God knows the plans that He has for you and I. He knows the perfect place that you will fit in, just like a puzzle piece in a puzzle. God will place you in your place, if you only wait for his perfect timing. I try to think of it as a test. God is testing me, trying to see if I will be patient enough for Him to make my crooked paths straight. After all, you can't fit a puzzle piece in a place that doesn't fit. Let God show you where you fit in perfectly!

Timing is everything. After all, you wouldn't expect to finish a puzzle in a few seconds, would you? Wait for God to place your pieces.


"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

Photo Source: Click Here


  1. Wow Laura, this really spoke to me! Lately I've also been in your same situation, I've been trying to follow what I think is best for me and not waiting on God's will for me. Recently I've felt God convicting me of this and reminding me that His plan for me is better than any I could ever make for myself. This post is such a great reminder to me and such a great analogy! A verse that I heard the other day really spoke to me, I hope it helps you too! It says,
    "Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground."
    -Psalm 143:10
    I pray that you will continue to trust in God and wait on Him for His perfect will for you. :)
    I'm so glad I found your blog!
    Love ya!
    ~Tiffany ��

    1. Hello, Tiffany! Welcome to my blog! I am so glad that you were inspired by my post. It has been difficult for me to not want to do things my way. I know that God will show us both the paths that He has for us in His perfect timing!
      Thank you for the comment. Sometimes the whole blogging thing can get a bit discouraging when I feel like no one is even listening, so your comment was very uplifting for me!
      I love the Psalms! It is one of my favorite chapters! And you were right... this verse will be a great reminder for me to let the Spirit lead me where He wants me to go! ☺
      Thank you again for the comment. You are welcome back to my corner of the web anytime. ☺ I will be praying for you, Tiffany!
      God's Blessings,
      ♥♥♥ Laura

  2. Hey Laura! Sorry I responded to this so late, I just saw your reply. :) Thank you for the welcome, I am so glad I found this! :) I know so too, it might take some time for us to see what it is but when we do we'll be glad that we waited and obeyed! I'm so glad that my comment encouraged you, please do keep blogging, I love reading your posts! I love Psalms too, it is such a good book in the Bible! That verse has become one of my favorites. :) I will continue to be praying for you too and I will definitely come back to read whenever you post a new blog post! :)
    God bless,

    1. We'll pray for each other, Tiffany! And thank you for your sweet words! I appreciate you coming back to respond and read my posts- I am so glad to hear that I have inspired you! Thanks for the prayers and kind words of encouragement!

      God's Blessings,
      ♥♥♥ Laura
