Sunday, February 21, 2016

More than Just Looking Pretty

The other day I was in Biology class. We have been learning about meiosis for a week or so now. Now normally, Biology is NOT a class that I would complain about. I really like Biology and my teacher. It's a class that I usually look forward to every morning, but something she said last week really threw me off.

It started out with us talking about the disadvantages of meiosis. We came up with a pretty hefty list before she said this one:
"Finding a mate is hard. So meiosis can be a difficult task."
I totally agree. Finding that one person that you want to be with for the rest of your life is most definitely not easy.

But its the discussion that followed that bothered me.
"I mean,  the girls have to dress up pretty, put on perfume, shower daily. And the same goes for the boys... you always have to look your best if you want to find a spouse..."
I smiled on the outside, but on the inside, I grimaced. I agree with showering - personal hygiene is definitely important- but is that really matters? Is that how you have to get someone to love you, by looking pretty?

My mind tumbled around. Has the world really become so superficial? Are looks all that matter?

As I think on my days in the world so far, I realize that the world likes a pretty package.  They want a model-thin, mini-skirt-wearing, girl with perfect makeup and good eyebrows, otherwise you are teased, and considered nothing.

The girl who has a healthy weight, dresses modestly, doesn't wear makeup, and whose eyebrows aren't penciled in "like they should be"? Well, she doesn't have much of a chance at romance.

At least that's what society tells us.

Finding someone you love is oh-so much more than looking pretty. I apologize for contradicting my Biology teacher, but she has it all wrong.


Love looks past the wrapping paper, true love does anyway.

1 Samuel 7:15 tells us that God looks at humans differently than other humans look at themselves.  He sees love, potential,  and someone he cares for so dearly that it should ashame you to think otherwise.

God wants us to be more than a pretty package.  He wants you to be more beautiful inside than outside.

God wants us to better ourselves everyday. He has given us so much, so don't we want to give back to Him by giving Him our best inner selves?

Any relationship based on looks alone is doomed to fail from the start, because, hey! Guess what? Beauty fades. And if looks fades, then the "love" that the relationship was built on will fade too.

God feels pretty strongly on this.  Here are some additional verses.

"You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."                                                                                                                            1 Peter 3:4 
"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people. I would not be a servant of Christ.                                                                                                      Galatians 1:10
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."                                                                      Proverbs 31:30 

So next time you feel like looks are more important than your heart, I challenge you to look these verses up to remind yourself that the most important person in the world- God- thinks that it is better to be pretty on the inside.

Never should looks be a factor in a relationship. You will look different from year to year. Your heart should be the first beauty regimen you deal with every day, as well as the last, and many touch ups in between.

Have a lovely week! Be the beautiful you that God wants you to be! ☺

Picture Source: Click Here

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