Friday, April 29, 2016

St. Catherine's Day

Happy, April! As the month draws to an end, I thought that I would reflect on some wise advice that I have heard from Catherine of Siena. (March 25th, 1347 - April 29th, 1380)

I don't know much about Catherine, but I did a bit of research about her. Here's what I found: 
"Catherine ranks high among the spiritual writers of the Church. She remains a greatly respected figure for her spiritual writings, and political boldness to "speak truth over power"- it being exceptional for a woman, in her time period, to have had such influence in politics and on world history."
The first time that I heard about St. Catherine was at the Royal Wedding of Catherine Middleton to Prince William, in 2011. I remembered the sermon that was given that day in Westminster Abbey. The preacher mentioned St. Catherine, it being St. Catherine's Day (April 29th). He quoted her:

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."

He went on the say that Catherine and William should help each other be who God meant them to be, here on earth, following God and bringing up children who would be trained to do the same.

The wedding was lovely, the couple beautiful, but the quote, I adore!

A couple of posts ago I talked about letting God help you find who you are meant to be. This quote further confirms that when you let God direct your paths and fit you into your place, you will truly shine with His light!

Follow in God's path and you will glow with the fiery passion for God!

Regardless of her gender, Catherine found her purpose in spreading God's truths. She truly was influential... thousands of years later, and here she still inspires people of today. Follow in God's purpose for you...set the world aflame!

Best wishes to you- and to the happy couple on their fifth anniversary. May you all glow with fiery passion for Christ!

Friday, April 22, 2016

The "Have to" List

Do you ever have something that you have to do? Like the kind of have to where your life will not be complete without it?
For example: "I have to get a new dress for the dance!" Susie squealed. 
What about the kind of have to that you maybe don't like so much... like chores or homework?
For example: "I have to wash the dishes before mom gets home!" John exclaimed. 
So what is the difference between them?  Basically, one is fun and the other isn't so much. One is the thing which you would love to do. The other is something that you dread to do.

I have a question for you. Now it might make you squirm, but don't worry. We're all friends here.

Which category would you place 'Reading the Bible' in, for you personally? What about 'Talking to God'?

Now I want you to answer honestly. Be truthful with yourself. Are you getting squirmy? Please don't leave if you are (or if you aren't!).

Personally, for me... and I am being 100% honest here... reading the Bible can sometimes feel like a chore. There are times when I don't want to read it. There are even times when I dread doing so, or don't even bother to at all.

I think that God kind of expects it to happen.

I don't know if you have read 2 Chronicles, but let me tell you. Those rulers were totally off and on from one generation to the next. Basically, each chapter talks about a King of Israel, and whether or not he lived the way God wanted them to live. One chapter, the ruler was good and fair, despised evil, and followed the Lord. By the next chapter, there was a new king who was the exact opposite!

There are going to be times when we don't want to read our Bibles. I think that is just the human spirit. But God doesn't want us to be lazy and fall into bad habits! No! He wants us to be strong and stand up for Him.

So how do I personally do that? Well, I'll tell you. Here is a list!

1. Accept the fact that you might be a bit worn out. 
Even the brightest scholars need a break once in awhile. If you are getting burnt out, I would take a break, one day, just to refresh yourself.

2. Pray for Strength.
Honestly, there are days when I can only pray this simple prayer: "Please God, help me." God knows what I need. Even with a simple prayer, I feel replenished and ready to serve in Him.

3. Just Do It
Pick up the Good Book. Open it. Read it. For some reason, it can seem a bit more difficult than it really is!

4. Read John 8:31-32
These verses give me strength when I remember what I get out of the Bible, out of my relationship with God: freedom.

5. Remember, it's not a 'Have to' thing, but a want to.
Realize that God didn't have to give us His love or His word- He wanted to. Want to read. Want to grow closer to Him. If you develop a desire to want Him, then it will no longer seem like a chore, but something that you enjoy and look forward to daily.

So there you have it!

I pray that you will be able to combat any negative feelings that you have towards the things that bring us closest to God! Like I've said before, it is not always going to be so easy to want to follow God. The desire to follow Him is something that we must cultivate and take care of. You wouldn't expect a rose to bloom overnight, now would you?

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all of these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Photo Source: Click Here

Monday, April 11, 2016

Forcing a Puzzle Piece

A few weeks ago, my sister and I were piecing a puzzle together. It was a 400-piece jigsaw puzzle, so it was a bit challenging. Pieces fit into place, and others did not. Some were missing and there were gaps in the puzzle. But, when all of the pieces came together, they made a beautiful picture.

I am big on analogies and metaphors. I can look at a piece of paper and turn it into a way to explain life's mysteries. Knowing me, I took a puzzle and turned it into something more.☺

There were several times where I tried to fit a piece into a place where I just knew it had to go. It looked and felt so right. It just had to fit there so I could move on to the next piece. 

This got me thinking....

I'm a Sophomore in high school. By now, everyone expects you to know what you are going to do with your life after high school. Everyone, literally everyone in my class, knows exactly what they want to do after high school... but me, not so much.

I haven't the slightest clue as to where I fit. 

I have people constantly asking me, "What are you doing after high school?" My meek reply? "I don't know." This makes me feel so embarrassed. 'Why don't I know? Maybe I should just try to pick a job that looks cool.' In other words, I am trying to make the puzzle piece fit in a place where it doesn't go. 

I get scared when I can't see the path ahead of me. I get frustrated when I can make the piece fit or I can't see the full picture.

I have to remind myself to be patient. I have to remind myself to trust in God's plan for me.

Years ago, God came to a man named Abraham He told him to move his family, lead them to a land that he had never even been to.

Can you imagine? One day God calls you up, "Hey! Yeah, you're going to need to come with me to a place you've never been to. Oh, and you are going to be leading a bunch of other people with you and they are going to be super whiny!"I don't know about you, but that sounds like something that I would worry about!

But, Abram went anyway. He trusted in God. He knew that God's plan would be greater than his.

Later, God promised Abraham that he would be a father, with offspring as numerous as the stars! I must mention that both Abe and his wife Sarah were up there in age. They were shocked and couldn't believe that this would happen to them! They doubted that they would be parents.

But, as always, God prevailed. (God NEVER Fades!). Abraham just needed to trust in God. He was too worried that God wasn't going to follow through with him. God doesn't abandon you though.

Like Abraham, God has a plan for you. 

You know what? We don't have to worry about where we are supposed to be. God's got this. I may not know where I want to be in two years, but I know that God knows. 

God knows the plans that He has for you and I. He knows the perfect place that you will fit in, just like a puzzle piece in a puzzle. God will place you in your place, if you only wait for his perfect timing. I try to think of it as a test. God is testing me, trying to see if I will be patient enough for Him to make my crooked paths straight. After all, you can't fit a puzzle piece in a place that doesn't fit. Let God show you where you fit in perfectly!

Timing is everything. After all, you wouldn't expect to finish a puzzle in a few seconds, would you? Wait for God to place your pieces.


"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

Photo Source: Click Here

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Selfless Servant

Once, I made a silly deal with my siblings.  I wanted something, a glass of water or a Pop Tart...something like that, I can't remember! Anyway, my siblings wouldn't budge. They didn't want to get up off of the couch anymore than I did. The kitchen seemed so far away, and the couch was oh so cozy.

Frankly, I didn't really blame them. But, couldn't they just please go get me that snack? Not very convincing. Somewhere between an ad break on the show we were watching, I managed to concoct a little deal with my little sister and brother.

"Okay, if you guys will get me something to drink from the kitchen,  I promise that tomorrow I will do whatever you want me to do for you!"

Pretty convincing, if I may say so myself!

My brother and sister seemed to think so too, because sure enough, the duo caved and brought me whatever it was that I had wanted so desperately.

Bright and early that next morning, I heard my name being called. "Laura!" I groaned and rolled over.

"What do you want?  I am trying to get some sleep in here!" I said in my sweetest annoyed voice.

"Don't you remember? The deal?"

My eyes shot open. I figured that they would've forgotten about that! I quickly got up to possibly talk some sense into my siblings. I couldn't possibly be their maid for the entire day! To no avail though, they wouldn't scrap the deal.

All day I found myself catering to every ridiculous whim my siblings might of had. I rolled my eyes and dragged my feet. It was no fun to serve to those two.

When the day ended, boy was I glad! Never again have I made a deal like that!

Never again have I made a deal like that.

Hmm. I started thinking about this the other day.

Jesus didn't call us to be lazy, complaining children of God. He wants us to gladly serve our neighbors. He wants us to show love and compassion to those around us, even when they are demanding.

We should live to serve, not to be served.

We should put others before ourselves.

But most of all, our main focus should be to please God above all things.

Was it fun to wait on hand and foot... not really. Was it fun to be concerned with my siblings needs before mine own? No. I can honestly say that I was miserable.

It might not be fun to think about other people and their needs. It might make you miserable. It might be hard. Regardless of this, we are called to be servants like Christ.

Jesus served others before he served himself. He served others in little ways, and he also served us all in the biggest way possible- dying on the cross to save us from our sins.

Was that fun for him? Did it make him happy? Did he make sure that he was cushy and comfortable? No. Maybe he wasn't happy, but God was.

Strive to a servant. Help those around you. Show your love and Christlike attitude through serving. Who knows? Maybe you'll inspire someone to do the same.
"Serve with your whole heart, as if you were serving the Lord, not people." Ephesians 6:7
"The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as ransom to many." Mark 10:45
Serve your neighbors with love. Get your brother or sister that Pop Tart they asked for. Spread love and a desire to serve others through your own servant attitude!
Photo Source: Click Here